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Hi, I am Barkha Mathur

It was my interest in current affairs and keen interest in the doings of world leaders which first lead me to consider a profession in journalism.


I was fortunate enough to get an early start in the profession and was lucky to get to work with dynamic teams who propelled me to give my best.


Very soon I realized I was on my dream boat, professionally, when I got to interview celebrities and achievers, covered important events like elections and reported news which concerned the society at large.


My skills with the language were utilized by team heads who encouraged me to write features on lifestyles trends, fashion, art, music, travel and culture.


My sensitivity towards women and children (especially the underprivileged) made me look around for news that could highlight their plight and bring relief to them. This I could do by also writing about people who were making a difference to the society.


My special skills have been: The versatility in my writings as I am equally adept in dealing with subjects as varied as politics to sports.


I think my emotional quotient is high which helps me to make an instant connect with people and they feel comfortable and confident to share their stories.


My strong nose for news has helped me dig out stories which otherwise would have gone unnoticed.


You can contact me at  &

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