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  • Barkha Mathur

The circus around Corona

The rush to give donations to help government tide over the ongoing pandemic, is also about I, me, myself.

For those who need to be in the limelight, the ongoing lockdown has brought about its own set of problems. The celebrities comprising mostly film and television actors, aspiring politicians and sundry wannabes are all missing the spotlight, the constant sound of cameras and the cacophony of bytes.

The bigger names are often advised by their PR handlers to device ways to remain in news. The lesser ones simply follow the route. So, in the initial days of the lockdown, sexy sweaty pictures of workouts being done by Bollywood stars began to appear on digital platforms. This was one way of staying in news and with the fans who oohed and drooled over the images. The lockdown was giving the much-required downtime to these busy stars who now had leisure on hand.

At the other end the lockdown had brought a horrific reality before the lesser privileged section of our society. The migrant workers, living away from home were suddenly left with no jobs, shelter or means to survive. They had little option but to travel back home. And with all modes of public transport brought to halt, they took to the primitive way making the journey on foot. That the walk back could be as long as 500km was not a deterrent.

Soon the news channels, newspapers and social media was flooded with images showing the miseries of these people who along with little children were walking on highways and railway tracks. With all options closed the only resource left with them was their grit and will power.

These images when juxtaposed with the more glamorous ones showed that lockdown was a vacation for the rich but a nightmare for the poor. The sexy pictures now looked insensitive. The know all and social busy bodies took to condemning the luxuries available to the well-heeled while the poor struggled to survive. As lockdown took different tones for different sections of society, to look concerned and giving became imperative.

The call given by the prime minister to donate to a special fund founded for the emergency was the right opportunity for the haves. The next onslaught was of donations being announced by stars, sportspersons and television actors. This was just the type of opportunity one needs. The announcements make a splash, the fans take to the social media to laud their stars and heap exaggerated praises upon them. The state heads acknowledge the contribution and thank them. It works every which way.

Only that this is no way to do charity. Giving is a humble act and has to have that touch of humility, should be low key and kept as anonymous as possible. Though the celebrities have let their offices to handle it, the lesser ones are making a fool of themselves by posing for pics while donating fruits, bags of groceries and food to the needy.

That Rajasthan government has actually banned taking of photos or putting photos on material for donation comes as a relief in these trying times.


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